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Sunday, 28 January 2018

28/Jan/18 this bone hides treats inside it

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

When the Big Guy wants to calm me down, he will find this blue bone and he will put some treats in the various pockets.  Then, to keep them in place, he will also put peanut butter on them.  This keeps me amused for about 30 to 40 minutes.

It's raining a wee bit right now.  Not enough to get rid of all the snow, but a little bit of the snow is gone.

There is a big pile of snow at the end of the driveway.  Well that melts.  When it melts, it goes across the driveway.  When that freezes, it's dangerous at the end of the driveway.  The other day, the person that delivers the fliers, just threw the bag at the end of the driveway.  The Big Guy stopped the car and Tonya got out of the car.  Well she almost fell.  She wasn't wearing her ice capons.

The weather folks are calling for 5 to 10 cm of snow on Tuesday.  The Big Guy filled up his jerry can full of gas for his snow blower.  So he isn't all that upset if it does snow.  He also has his ski pants, so he will be warm while he is outside.  Not like before.  He would go out and his body was nice and warm, but his legs were really cold.  Not now that he's got these ski pants.  Now his body and his legs are nice and warm.

Right now, the Big Guy is making Beef Jerky.  It smells delicious.  The smell is going though out the kitchen and into the living room.  BUT, like every other human food, I bet I don't get any.

Tomorrow, I go to the Vet once again.  Just another dressing change.  I wonder if they are going to let me go without a dressing?  Soon I hope.  The Big Guy is tired of yelling at me about licking the dressing when I think he isn't looking.  That's when the cone goes back on my head.  I know if I wouldn't lick, it wouldn't get the cone.  But licking is my "thing".  So I can't stop myself.

Well, onto the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:

Feinschmecker (noun)
[fahyn-shmek-uh r]

Definition:  a gourmet.

Sentence:  Julia Child was more than a chef, she was a feinschmecker.

My sentence:  Der Big Guy kocht viel Essen und ist ein Feinschmecker

Bye bye fur now.

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