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Monday, 15 January 2018

15/Jan/18 cone or not, I want to go for a walk

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Oh this damn cone they got on my head.  Today's the day that they will be taking this off me.  I really want to go for a walk.

Today I go to the Vet and they will be looking me over.  Once that is done, they will determine if I can go for a walk again.  

If everything goes well, they should be removing the bandages off my back paws and I will be free of this damn cone.

That means I will be able to lick myself again.  Although I can twist my body around so that I can get my back paws up to my mouth. I've been licking at the dressing that is over my paws.  

I know, I know, it is covered so that I don't get any infections.  But still.  Enough is enough already.  I want this cone removed.

BUT, even if the vet says I can go for walks, we are supposed to get a big dump of snow tonight.  They are forecasting about 15 cm.  So that will mean that the Big Guy will be snow blowing the yard tomorrow.  No walks tomorrow morning.  So that could mean walks tomorrow night.

I'm sure if the vet says I'm good to go for walks, I will be going tonight, after the Big Guy gets home from work.  That is unless Tonya tries to take me today while he is at work.

Well, enough about that, it's time for the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:

Adscititious (adjective)
[ad-si-tish-uh s]

Definition:  added or derived from an external source: additional

Sentence:  The testimony was adscititious; the judge believed it to be hearsay, so it was inadmissible. 

My sentence: adscitious till my food bowl is over flowing

Bye bye fur now.

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