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Friday, 5 January 2018

5/Jan/18 is it your turn to play with my tire

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So it snowed yesterday.  Not as much as they forecasted, but it snowed.  This lack of forecasted snow has pleased the Big Guy on several levels.  Just like the temperature right now, it's +7.  That is so bizarre for this time of the year.

But after the snow fall, then we got the rain.  Lots and lots of rain.

Oh, and lets not forget the winds.  WOW, is it ever windy outside.

The Big Guy put the garbage out and it is no longer at the front of the house.  It's gone somewhere down the road.  Well, except for the blue bag that has the tin cans and the glass jars.  That is heavy enough to stay in place.  But the paper garbage, it seems to be missing.

It is going to stay warm out for the next two days.  Then it gets cold again.

So, I'm thinking, with the warm weather, I should be going for a long walk today.

Or, it could be that the sidewalks are not plowed and Tonya and the Big Guy will have to walk me on the street.  So that isn't really all that safe.  Even though the Big Guy has got the reflective jacket, he still needs to be safe too.  People driving their cars will have to avoid him and me as we would be on the street.

The Big Guy was outside with his snow blower last night.  I stayed on the deck where it was safe.  It did look like he was having some fun.  But I went inside to look at him from the living room.  It was raining hard.  But his new jacket and ski pants are waterproof.  At one point there was an incredible amount of rain falling and he was just sitting there, looking at the rain.  When he came inside, he told me that he could see the rain, but it wasn't soaking though his jacket or his ski pants.  He seemed really happy about this.

OK, so word of the day:

Procrustean (Adjective) {proh-kruhs-tee-uh n}

Definition: tending to produce conformity by violent or arbitrary means.

Sentence: instead of succumbing to the procrustean laws, the people revolted.

My sentence: I know that Tonya loves lobster, that makes her procrustean.

Bye bye fur now.

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