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Saturday, 13 January 2018

13/Jan/18 don't I look like a race horse

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

With those wraps on my back legs, don't I look like I belong at the race track?

This is where they removed my dew claws.  I still got all my other claws.  Even the front dew claws are still in place.  My other claws gets worn down every day when I go for walks.

Talking of walk.  They still haven't taken me for a walk and I've been told, no walks for me today either.  I guess my back paws needs to be checked out by the Vet before I'm allowed to go for walks again.

Then again, my testicles have also been removed.  I need that incision to heal up too.  Tonya confirmed this yesterday when I put myself on my back.  She was giving me a tummy rub and I opened up my legs.  She said that the incision looks kinda puffy.  But that would be kind of expected.

Yesterday, they gave me some medication.  That made me a bit sleepy.  Then Tonya left me a lone for several hours.  I had another accident in the house.  This medication makes me sorta loose.

The Big Guy bought this face for one of the trees in his yard.  I think that today, he may try to put it on one of his trees.  It is kinda warm outside.  I don't think he needs to wear his dog walking jacket.  Yesterday it was +11 and right now, it's +12.  The temp today is supposed to get to +15.  So if that isn't proof of global warming, I don't know what is.

All's I know, the Big Guy is pretty happy that all the snow has melted.  He said that this makes it easier to take me for LONGER walks.  That is when I'm allowed to go for walks again.

There is always something, isn't there...

Well, onto the word of the day.  Today's word is:

Crepuscular (adjective)

Definition:  Of, relating to, or resembling twilight

Sentence:  As crepuscular animals, deer are much more active in the dark.

My sentence:  my friend, Katie Beaton, had a crepuscular peeping tom looking at her in her basement, while she did her laundry (true story).

Bye bye fur now.

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