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Wednesday, 10 January 2018

10/Jan/18 how about a treat for the old dog

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The temperature just doesn't know what it wants to be around here.  One day, it's super cold, the next, it's above freezing.  Now, they are calling for a lot of rain in the forecast for the end of this week.

With this rain, and they are forecasting a lot of rain, they are also predicting a lot of flooding.  All the ground is frozen, so the rain will not be able to percolate down into the ground, like it does in the Spring, Summer and Fall.

What does all the rain mean to me?  Well, it means that I will be able to go for a LONGER walk as the ground will not be so treacherous for Tonya and the Big Guy.  Yes, they do have their ice cleats, but it is also dangerous for them.  They could fall and break a hip or an arm.  Not good at all.  At least when I slip and fall, I'm already close to the ground.

There is this store where the Big Guy works and it is going out of business.  They have stuff that is now 70% off the retail price.  So yesterday he got one of those magnetic screen doors.  We will see if that works for me come the summer time.  Then there is also this "face" thing that gets attached to a tree.

Then there is the new XBox controller that the Big Guy purchased for Tonya so that she will be able to play games with him.

So far, only the Big Guy has used the new controller.  It is called "Volcano".  You can see it goes from Cherry Red at the bottom, to Black at the top of the controller.  The Big Guy tested it, and the colors don't seem to make any difference in his game play.

Now on to the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:

Velleity (noun)

Definition: a wish or inclination that is not strong enough to lead one to take action.

Sentence: The invention came from a necessity rather than from a velleity.

My sentence:  a bride will wear a velleity to hide her face while she walks down the aisle to meet her future husband at the alter.

Bye bye fur now.

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