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Tuesday 6 December 2016

6/Dec/16 it's cold on the hardwood floor

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Another day, another dollar.  Isn't that how the saying goes?  Well I should have a lot of dollars by now.  Then again, the Big Guy commented on how much my food costs.  It costs them about $4.00 a day to feed me.

The teachers in Nova Scotia are upset with the Government of Nova Scotia.  I am sure it's the same the other way around too.  Yesterday the students were told to stay home, for "safety" reasons.  The union said that this was unfair and said that they keep the students safety in highest regards.  School is open again today.

There are so many kids that have special requirements.  When the Big Guy went to school, there was about 40 kids in class.  If you had a special need, you didn't get it in school.  You acted up, you got the strap.  Then would go home and would get it again from your parents.  Talk about a loose/loose scenario.

There was no job title called Teacher's Assistant.  1 teacher, many kids.  When the teacher spoke, the kids didn't.  If you acted out, you sat at the front of the class where the teacher could keep an eye on you.  If you still acted out, you were sent to the principals office.  Still couldn't get your shit together?  You didn't get a time out, you got expelled from school.

Oh and you could fail.

Correct me if I am wrong, but don't they pass all the kids now a days?  Or is that just a lie that the Big Guy heard wrong?

Was his generation cruel?

They didn't get awards for everything.  He had one graduation and that was from Grade 12.  Not several like the kids get now a days.

They kept score.  Not everyone would win.  There was a lot of loosers.  Trophies only went to the winners.

Kinda like real life.  The CEO of the company gets all the money (Trophies) and not everyone will be happy about that.

Well I should go lay down and think about all this.

Bye bye for now.

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