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Tuesday, 12 January 2021

12/Jan/21 that plant isn't real, it's plastic


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Tonya has several plants like that around the house.

They are plastic, or they are silk.

They never die.

They never need to be watered or given stuff to help them grow.

You can keep them in a dark place, or in the full sun.

Tonya also has some real plants.

This house is where most plants go to die.

They get forgotten about.  

They don't get watered.  Or they are over watered.  Or they get too much sun, or not enough sun.

Yup, plants, if you want to live.

Do not live here.

I would say to run, but plants can't run.

Plants are dumb.

Your Blast From the Past

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and Baby Groot

Bye bye fur now

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