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Tuesday, 9 June 2020

9/Jun/20 do you see only one eye open, I'm only 1/2 awake

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So, it was really unusual to see the Big Guy getting up at 6:30 this morning.  He never sleeps in.  But I guess since it is his day off, he deserves to sleep in, when ever he would like to.

Today's big quest.  Is to boil lobsters.  But first, they have to get the lobsters.  That is job one today.

Then, tomorrow, will be the eating of the lobsters.

Tonya got this bush from her aunt a few years ago.  Well it grows right next to the deck.  It's called a bleeding heart.  Every year, when the bush grows, it expands up on to the deck itself.  I will stroll over and take a bite.

Tonya freaks out every time I do this.

As she should.

I guess these plants have this thing: soquinoline alkaloids. Pretty much big words that equals, poison.

Tonya told the Big Guy, his other job today, cut the bleeding hearts down.

To which he is quite happy to comply.

Tonya looked that the Big Guy and said, there is also a peonies bush near them, do NOT cut that down.

If that peonies is disguised as a bleeding heart bush, it's going to be cut.  So Tonya better go mark where it is so that it doesn't get cut.

I can see the Big Guy smirking.  I don't think he cares about Tonya's peonies at all.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his toy crate

Bye bye fur now

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