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Saturday, 13 June 2020

13/Jun/20 well 5 years ago, two people said "I do"

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

It was a full year before I came along, that Tonya and the Big Guy got married.

From what I heard, getting married was just a formality as they were living common law for 22 years at the time.

The Big Guy was concerned that his pension might not go to Tonya.  He had heard from someone else that common law wasn't being recognized for the pension purposes.  The Government loves to find loop holes and keep the money for themselves.

But, formalities aside, they had always wanted to be married, but they always let something else take over their money that they would have put aside.  Car repairs.  Kids need new clothes.  Something else broke in the house.

It was always something.

Well this time, the Big Guy put money aside and he was determined that they would get married.

Which they did.  In their home.

They only had their immediate family there.  Yes, the Big Guy's daughters were not there, but that was because they lived away.  Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.  It would have been a lot of money for them to fly, or drive, just to watch a 20 minute ceremony, considering everyone already considered them married in the first place.

So, what is the Big Guy doing for their anniversary?  He's cooking Mum's Macaroni.  I know it isn't all that romantic.  But that's him, being him.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the solar butterfly

Bye bye fur now

1 comment:

  1. Odd everyone calls it that or dad's and here I tried it once but I don't like noodles so I never had any . BUT makes me feel warm inside that they call it that .
