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Tuesday, 23 June 2020

23/Jun/20 can you see me in this picture

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Well in this picture, my pool is still "up right".  A few moments later, the Big Guy dumped it out.

Tonya said that the water had to be changed.  Which is true, if you leave the water more than a few days, it does get scummy across the bottom of the pool.

You can also see there is a wooden chair in the picture that has to be repaired.  Two of the front boards needs to be replaced.  Then the Big Guy is also going to replace the arm rests.  After that, he plans to paint the chair.  White of course, in case your wondering.

He has enough wood to fabricate two more chairs.  Tonya was asking him if he was going to make them today.  Now, it's supposed to get quite warm today.  So he will be waiting for the sun to come round, so that he will be working in the shade.

Now, on Sunday, the temperature was only +11 in Cape Breton.  Today, they are forecasting for +29.  This weather is certainly weird.  There is no happy in between.

Tonya entered this contest and she won some lobsters and beer.  This is twice that she won the same contest.  It is someone on Facebook that is raising money.

So, today, with that forecasted heat, I'm going to find a fan and I'm goign to go hide under it.

I would really like it to be Winter again.

I wonder why the Big Guy just gave me some sort of cross look on his face?

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog gives a BIG paw

Bye bye fur now

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