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Saturday, 6 June 2020

6/Jun/20 what is that bird picking at in the lawn

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I figure it's got to be pretty tough to be a bird.

Don't get me wrong, flying though the air has got to be nice.

But your food isn't in the air.

Something that the Big Guy has been meaning to do, is build a bat box on the side of his house.  There is a spot where the sun never hits.  It's just outside the back mud room.

Not sure how many bats it would take to get all the mosquitoes though.

I'm not sure what purpose mosquitoes have, other than being bat food.

Same with wasps, or hornets.  What real purpose do they have, other than stinging people and killing bees.

It isn't like I've ever personally seen a bird catching a wasp and eating it.

So the dandelions have pretty much run their course.  So I'm not sure what excuse the Big Guy is using not to be out mowing the grass.  Other than the grass not being long enought to cut.

Oh, do you remember the peonies that Tonya was trying to grow on the side of the hill, next to the driveway, that the Big Guy ran over with his lawn mower?  Yea, well they haven't come back.  I figure, once you cut the tops off, they are done for the season.

You can bet, someone isn't impressed.

She fees me a lot, so she can be as upset with him as she likes.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog dreaming about flying

Bye bye fur now

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