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Thursday, 25 June 2020

25/Jul/20 there is going to be a Maritime Bubble

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So the weather is a bit wonky.  It's warm, it's cold, it's warm again.  We were supposed to get some rain, well that got cancelled.

Not sure what is going on with the weather any longer.

Last night, after the sun was off the back deck, Tonya and the Big Guy took most of the stuff on the back deck.  Then they had this new spray bottle and some deck cleaner.  He went to town with this new stuff.

Turns out the deck is rather nice to look at.

Although there certainly is some boards that needs to be replaced.  But that might be a job for next year.

Today, the Big Guy is going to be making 4 new deck chairs.  2 for his sister-in-law and 2 more for Tonya for the back deck.  He believes that she may want two more done after that.  I guess we will see.

But so far, the Big Guy has to go to the basement and cut up these boards.

He says that he wants to get outside before it gets too hot to work outsdie.

Then again, there is folks that work in construction, they get no rest due to the heat.  Same with contractors.  They have to work all the time.

Myself, I just hope that Tonya can get my little pool set up on the back deck.  Yup, my demans are small in the grand scheme of things.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog doing the tail flick

Bye bye fur now

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