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Friday, 19 June 2020

19/Jun/20 I try to get as many toys in the same spot

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So it was warm outside yesterday.  It's going to be another warm day today as well.

Tomorrow, it's going to be cool again.  Totally unlike Summer at all.

It is the extremes that make life interesting.  The temperature goes from very warm, to very cold in the span of one day.

The humans can't adjust properly.

The Big Guy was watching the news and people are going to the beach.  But the water is still very cold.  Same with Swimming pools.  It may be warm outside, but the pool water is still very cold.

Although that is the fastest way for me to cool off.  Is to soak my paws.

That bit I don't mind too much.  But when Tonya chases me aound the back deck with the hose.  NOPE.  That is not enjoyable at all.

The Big Guy built some new chairs for the front deck.  The reason there is a blanket on the chair, the little rails, cuts into the back of your legs, unless your wearing track pants, like the Big Guy was yesterday.

Now, Tonya says that she is going to be staining the chairs.  She doesn't know what color just yet.

But it isn't like she will need a gallon of stain.  Just a small quart.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having his frozen cheese treat

Bye bye fur now

1 comment:

  1. I think Pepere had sanded the pieces of wood so it wouldn't be so hard sitting down , did you check the chairs out before throwing them away ?? I know it's extra work for oyu but it's best to do it that way from your mother ha ha ha
