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Sunday, 14 June 2020

14/Jun/20 I can send the bat signal from my eyes

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

There is definitely a green hue coming in from outside of the house.  This is from the grass and the trees.  They are growing from all the rain we have been getting.

When it rain, it puts a smile on the Big Guy's face.  He knows he doesn't have to shovel it.

A few years ago, the Big Guy bought Tonya this jug of flowers from the Dollar Store.  This year, he finally decided, it would be a good time to see if the flowers would grow.

He thinks there is a reason that this jug of flowers was being sold at the Dollar Store.  So far, it's just dirt.  No flowers.  You can't say that they haven't been getting enough water, as it's been raining quite a bit.

Oh well, there is a few holes in the lawn that need to be patched.  So he will use what is left of the jug and just dump it into those spots.

Well it's been about 3 months now that the Big Guy has been working from home.  He remembers it was just after his birthday that they got the computers and brought them home.

Tonya doesn't have any work, for the moment.  She is hoping to get another job, sooner than later.

Businesses are starting to open once again.  But they are trying to tax the patrons with a new Covid Tax.  People aren't liking that one bit.  They want to support the local business, but not if your going to make an obvious money grab.  That isn't right.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog learns how to swim

Bye bye fur now

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