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Monday, 15 June 2020

15/Jun/20 I have an itch on my paw, I gotta chew on that

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Earlier this year, the weather people were saying that the Summer of 2020 was going to be hotter and it was going to be drier.

I would say that their predictions so far, are off the mark.

Yesterday, because the Big Guy didn't want to turn the furnace on for the entire house, he went to the spare room and found the space heater.  He brought it into his "Office", which was formerly the "Guest Room" and he turned that space heater on full blast.

Within a 1/2 hour, he was no longer chilly.

Within an hour, he was thinking, he should really turn the space heater off.

I had gone upstairs with Tonya to visit him.  Of course he only patted me and went right back to work.  He didn't have any time for me at all.

So, when Tonya left, I left with her.  At least she wasn't ignoring me.

I can see the Big Guy looking outside.  He is eyeballing the front hedge.  With all the rain, it is full of leaves and it is growing.  A lot!

But he does have his hedge trimmer.  It normally takes him about 20 minutes to trim it down.

Then he will sit on the front deck and admire his handywork.

I do my bit and go pee on it for him.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the Jolly Egg

Bye bye fur now

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