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Saturday, 27 June 2020

27/Jun/20 I will just lay in the middle of the kitchen floor, under the ceiling fan

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

There is something new going around the internet.  It also has to do with the area where I live. There are people that are driving around and stealing pet dogs that are left outside.

So far, they are stealing pure bred dogs.  Since I'm a pure bred Bernese Mountain Dog, you would think that I'm on their target list of dogs they would want to steal.

However, since I'm what is considered a "runner", I don't think that I need to fear being taken by these Dognappers.  

By that I mean, Tonya and the Big Guy can't trust me to be outside on a leash, without supervision.  Turn your back on me and I will pop my collar and take off.

Then there is also the fact that I weigh 153 pounds.  If I don't want to go...  well...  it would be interesting.

The Big Guy made that prime rib roast yesterday.  Tonya gave me one of the bones.  I think the other went in the green bin.

I got the trots from something she fed to me.  Of course she is blaming the Big Guy's cooking.  I think she should stick to feeding me dog food and not the stuff that comes off her plate.  No matter how much I beg or how much I stare, she should not feed me human food.  It upsets my stomach.

Now if I were an outside dog.  Well, feed me what ever.  If I get the trots, you would never know.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and Tonya on the couch

Bye bye fur now

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