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Wednesday, 24 June 2020

24/Jun/20 the Covid-19 jail will continue for a while longer

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

On the news last night, they were interviewing two people.  The topic; should we have a Maritime Bubble?

Obviously one was for it, the other against.

I'm not so sure I'm for it at the moment.  There was a Dr from New Brunswick that went to Quebec.  He brought the virus back to the hospital in New Brunswick as he didn't report that he went to Quebec and when he came back, he didn't isolate himself.

I had seen, on some obscure website site, there is quite the line up of cars that were trying to cross the Quebec/New Brunswick border.  I am hoping they were all told to go home again.

If we knew for sure that the New Brunswick border would remain closed, I would be fine with a Maritime Bubble.  

But, since we can't stop people who have some weird thoughts about how you can stop them because they have rights.  Well, lets just keep that border closed for now and wait till there is a vaccine.

Oh and talking of vaccine.  There is sure to be people that will refuse to get the vaccine once it is ready for everyone to get.  Those people should be rounded up and forced to go live on a island.  Not like we don't have a few islands in the Far North that could use some population.

I guess you have determined, I'm pro-vaccine.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the Bluenose II August 2016

Bye bye fur now

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