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Sunday, 7 June 2020

7/Jun/20 am I not the picture of happiness

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

As the Big Guy was making his coffee this morning, Tonya calls to him from upstairs and asks him to put some bacon out to thaw.

Well isn't that great.  Tonya is going to be making some bacon.  Lovely bacon.

Bacon that gives me the trots.

Now, from what I heard, their previous dog.  He got bacon and it didn't bother him at all.  They could have poured bacon grease over his kibbles and again, it wouldn't bother him in the least.

Myself, if I would have a 1/2 sclice of bacon...  it would...  well lets just say, it wouldn't be pleasant.

As I'm laying at the back door, it's quiet in the house.

It must be really foggy in the harbour.

I can hear the fog horn.

I have to wonder.  Do fishermen really need the light house and the fog horns?  Now they got GPS on their boats.

But it does sound nice.  

About once a minute.  

You can hear the fog horn.

All is well.  We can rest.  The fishermen will be safe.

The fog horn sounded again.

... and again

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog trying to get to his toy

Bye bye fur now

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