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Tuesday, 2 June 2020

2/Jun/20 be strong, do not chew the sneakers

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Well I'm not sure what the Big Guy plans on cooking today, but I bet it will some how or other, involve onions.  What is that guys obsession with onions?

I know he put some chicken out.  Now, I can happily say, when ever the chicken has skin on it, Tonya will give ME the skin.  Unless of course the Big Guy gets to it first.  Then he will either have it himself, or he boils it for his chicken broth and then throws the skin out to the sea gulls.

I'm telling ya, for birds that don't do much, besides CAW, CRY and shit on his car, they certainly don't do much.

Yesterday morning, the Big Guy made his jambalaya.  Apparently it was pretty good.  Even Tonya wouldn't allow me any.  Yes, yes, it had onions in it, but it was also spicy.  She was complaining last night that it "went right through" her.

As I'm looking outside, it sure it green once again.

We have been getting quite a bit of rain.  We're not talking about floating the Ark type rain, just enough to make all the plants happy.  Stuff is growing.  I bet farmers are happy.  It also isn't too warm outside.  At least not like it was the other day.

I mean it was so warm, Tonya and the Big Guy were actually talking about getting an air conditioner for the house.

You know that I would love that.  Oh the cool breeze coming from the air conditioner.

Ahhh yes...

Did we get one?

Do you see me talking about laying on the floor, having the air conditioner blow across me?


Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog forgets his indoor voice

Bye bye fur now

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