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Wednesday, 3 June 2020

3/Jun/20 I'm going to use my ear as an eye mask

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I guess Spring doesn't want to "let go".  Right now, it's +7 C with a feel like temp of +4 C.  That's rather cold out.  It is comfortable for myself though.  Not so much for my humans though.  The Big Guy would like it to be in the low 20's.

Didn't I tell you yesterday that the Big Guy would find some way to get onions into his meal?  Well he didn't get just one onion.  He got TWO onions.

He made Chicken Fricassee.  Didn't it smell wonderful.  At one point, Tonya was going to the bathroom and she yelled down that she could smell lunch cooking.

Of course it made the Big Guy happy to hear that she was looking forward to lunch.

But you never know with the Big Guy.  He says it's left overs today and he may just change his mind.  He's like that.

They also have some jambalaya from the other day.  So I'm thinking, today is going to be "left over" day.  The Big Guy doesn't mind left overs at all.

Today is going to be an exciting day for Tonya.  She is going to be on the phones today on her new account.  It is for mail order wines.  It is a little bit more involved than just calling in to order a bottle or wine.  But she is excited and scared.

Tonya also said that she was going to get up really early and study and go over her notes and make sure that she is ready.

Yup, last night, she said that she would be up with the Big Guy.  Early early early...

She is sleeping right now.

She must have forgot about getting up early.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having his frozen cheese treat

Bye bye fur now

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