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Tuesday, 16 June 2020

16/Jun/20 here take my paw, just let me sleep

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

It is rather bizarre how the weather people forecast good weather on the weekend.  Now with the way that people work, it isn't always Monday to Friday.  Just like the Big Guy, he works the weekend and gets the week days off.

With that being said, he is rather pleased that the weather is going to be sunny and not too hot for the next three days.

Just like the Big Guy also has this MONSTER prime rib roast in the freezer.  He knows that it should be cooked before too long.  But it was way too much for just himself and Tonya.  So he's going to have to cook it and invite his brother inlaws and sister inlaw over.  They will not be able to eat too much of it.  This thing is rather huge.

Will I get any of it?  Well isn't that the $64,000.00 question.

If I'm lucky, I will get some of the fat that Tonya will not eat and some of the bones.

As it is, Tonya made some Pizza yesterday and wouldln't you know it.  There is no real crust on it.  She got the toppings right up to the edge.  

So I'm sitting there, drooling and staring at Tonya as she is eating her pizza.  Just waiting for the crust.

Of course she gave in.

I tried it with the Big Guy when he was having his piece of pizza.  I stared at him.  I put my mussel on his chest to watch him eat.  I tired drooling.

That guy is a rock.  He just stared back at me and blew in my face.

Then he popped the last piece into his mouth.

I went and laid down and sulked.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having his first swim

Bye bye fur now

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