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Thursday, 11 June 2020

11/Jun/20 do you really think I'm sleeping

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

If Tonya were to open a cheese wrapper in the kitchen, I would be fully awake and moving, at the trot, towards the kitchen to see what she is going to do with that cheese she just unwrapped.

Yesterday morning, The Big Guy took me for a drive.  We went to the Goodhands Boarding Kennel.  I got to stay the night there.

I got to sniff a lot of different stuff.  A new feature they got is a swimming pool.  But I'm not much of a swimmer.

Tonya took the time to wash out all my bowls.  So when I get home, I will have clean bowls to have my water and eat my kibble.  That's not to say that she lets my bowls get really dirty.  She washes them often.

Yesterday, Terry, Haas, Craig and Elaine dropped by and they had their feed of lobsters.  All the lobster shells are in the green bin and the green bin is at the curb.  With the lid down.  So, only the rat that lives under the green bin will be able to get at the stuff.  Because the lobster shells are stinky, I don't think it will take very long before the rats can find the green bin.

Today, Tonya has work and the Big Guy is on his day off.  Now, obviously I will not be bothering the Big Guy.  I will always wait for Tonya to come down stairs and then I will go outside when she puts me out.  I don't bother with the Big Guy for such trivial stuff.

He has important stuff to do, like playing his XBox, or watching movies that Tonya doesn't much enjoy, like his Sci Fi stuff.  Tonya will watch them about as much as the Big Guy watches Rom Coms.

Well, I've got some napping that needs to get done.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog empties his toy bucket

Bye bye fur now

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