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Sunday, 21 June 2020

21/Jun/20 myself and bunny are napping after playing

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

If you were to judge my lift by the pictures that the Big Guy takes, you would think that I nap a lot and often.  Well, it is sort of true.  But what else do I got to do?

Well, today is the day that we have the longest day light hours in the Northern Hemisphere of planet Earth.

Or you could also say, it's the first day of Summer.

Normally a bunch of people would go visit Stonehenge in England and watch the sun rise.  Not this year, they wanted everyone to stay home and they would live stream the sun rise.

Well the sun has been up for several hours now in England.  So the Big Guy missed the big event.  But I bet it was rebroadcast.

Normally after I done getting this blog together, I go lay in the living room with the Big Guy as he surfs YouTube, or Netflix, or Disney+.  Then he will nap.  Yup, he puts on the TV just to fall asleep.

When the Big Guy got up this morning, he didn't notice that Tonya wasn't in bed.  Actually, she was downstairs with me, making the Big Guy a biggie breakfast for father's day.

He didn't share.  There was bacon on his plate.  Oh how I love how bacon smells.  I love how bacon tastes.

My belly doesn't like what happens after I eat bacon.

Then it's trotty trott time.

Sigh...  bacon...  your a monster.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is sleeping

Bye bye fur now

1 comment:

  1. what a wonderful mummy you have taking care of my son give her a extra lick and a hug for me please since I can't do it
