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Thursday, 4 June 2020

4/Jun/20 I will allow you to sit in a different chair for the moment

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Today, the Big Guy has to go to the hospital for some blood work.

Now, if he were to go to Sydney, at the Regional Cape Breton Hospital, he would have to be screened before he could enter the building.

At the Northside, I'm sure it going to be a little different.  He was told, he will be met by security at the front door and then escorted to the lab.  From the lab, he will just leave and get back in his car and go home.

The Big Guy isn't really the one that leaves the house for just any reason.

Tonya took her first and second call on her new account.

She came downstairs for lunch and then, right after lunch, she threw it up.

She was so nervous.  She wants to do well on this new account.

So, in order for Tonya to have something later on, the Big Guy make a plain pizza with just some sliced pepperoni and cheese.  Tonya wasn't able to have it all.

Oh, I bet your wondering why she couldn't have all her pizza.

Well I was there, staring at her.

Stare stare stare

By the time she gave me some, I snapped it out of her hand.

I tried that with the Big Guy.  He stared back and gave me the willies.  Brrr...  I just went away to "shake it off".

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is sleeping

Bye bye fur now

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