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Tuesday, 30 June 2020

30/Jun/20 is there a reason you need to put that camera in my face

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Today is going to be a bit of an exciting day.  Not so much for myself of course.

But the Big Guy has to go to the grocery store and get a cabbage, as he has to make some cole slaw for tomorrow.  It would seem that if you make this salad the day before, it tastes a lot better the next day.

Not sure if there is scientific proof behind this.

Tonya will also be making some potatoe salad.

In the afternoon, the Big Guy is going to be cooking some lobsters for his in-laws.  He always calls them something else though.  I guess it sort of rhymes with Turner and Hooch.

Last night, we were all sitting outside.  There was a few mosquitoes.  After a bit, the Big Guy could feel a bit of drizzle on his arms.  Tonya asked if he wanted to go inside.  Yup.

After they sat down on the couch to watch some TV, they could hear a "roar" outside.

Turns out, they went inside just before the clouds opened up and it was raining super hard.

Last time they had a big lobster feed, the Big Guy didn't keep any lobsters for himself.  This time, he says that he is.  He wants to keep some, after they have been shelled, so that he can make a seafood chowder.

Oh and you know, it's going to be good!

Not so much for myself though.  He will probably put onions in it.  Sigh...

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having difficult time with a hot dog

Bye bye fur now

Monday, 29 June 2020

29/Jun/20 it rained after two weeks of no rain

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

I don't mind so much going out in the rain.  Now a down pour, that is different.  Same with hurricanes, I would rather shit inside, on the living room floor than go outside to do my business in a hurricane.

Blizzards are different.  I'm built for blizzards.  Not for hurricanes.

So, with the rain, it means that the grass will grow once again.  The grass has grown, but it is somewhat uneven.  The Big Guy doesn't want to really mow the lawn, as he is afraid, that he may "burn" the grass if it doesn't have enough water.

The people that live on the main land of Nova Scotia, they are noticing that their wells are going dry.  Of course the farmers, well they need rain too.  But not a deluge or rain.  Just a few millimetres or rain, about 2 to 3 times a week.  Just enough to keep the ground from being too dry.

The, in August/September, during the harvest, that is when they would prefer no rain.

Tonya made the Big Guy some meatloaf yesterday.  He was going on and on about how good it was.

Since I'm having some bowel issues, Tonya has been staying strong and giving me ANYTHING off her plate.

She did make me some rice though.  Oh and I got to have an entire cup of yogurt.  Vanilla, the Big Guy's FAVORITE.

But he knew that my belly is upset and this would make it better.  So they hope.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is watching TV with me

Bye bye fur now

Sunday, 28 June 2020

28/Jun/20 I had to move from the kitchen while someone used the sink

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

This morning, the Big Guy wanted access to the kitchen sink.  But, much like yesterday's photo, I was laying in the middle of the kitchen, preventing him access to the sink.

Well he isn't shy about getting me to move.

He made is precious coffee and then he made a jug of ice tea.

Tonya gave me something the other day and I haven't really bounced back from it.  My bowels are very loose.

She knows not to feed me human food.

I know that I shouldn't eat human food.

But tother, doesn't two wrongs make a right?  You know, like a double negative...

My bowels would disagree.

So, lately, as I have been begging for what ever it is that Tonya has on her plate, she is not giving in and she isn't giving me anything.

Doesn't matter if I drool, or if I stare.  She is being strong this time.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog extracting old roots

Bye bye fur now

Saturday, 27 June 2020

27/Jun/20 I will just lay in the middle of the kitchen floor, under the ceiling fan

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

There is something new going around the internet.  It also has to do with the area where I live. There are people that are driving around and stealing pet dogs that are left outside.

So far, they are stealing pure bred dogs.  Since I'm a pure bred Bernese Mountain Dog, you would think that I'm on their target list of dogs they would want to steal.

However, since I'm what is considered a "runner", I don't think that I need to fear being taken by these Dognappers.  

By that I mean, Tonya and the Big Guy can't trust me to be outside on a leash, without supervision.  Turn your back on me and I will pop my collar and take off.

Then there is also the fact that I weigh 153 pounds.  If I don't want to go...  well...  it would be interesting.

The Big Guy made that prime rib roast yesterday.  Tonya gave me one of the bones.  I think the other went in the green bin.

I got the trots from something she fed to me.  Of course she is blaming the Big Guy's cooking.  I think she should stick to feeding me dog food and not the stuff that comes off her plate.  No matter how much I beg or how much I stare, she should not feed me human food.  It upsets my stomach.

Now if I were an outside dog.  Well, feed me what ever.  If I get the trots, you would never know.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and Tonya on the couch

Bye bye fur now

Friday, 26 June 2020

26/Jun/20 is there going to be some rain in the forecast

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Big Guy says that he is looking forward to going back to work so that he can relax.  When he is at work, he has a sit down job.

While he is working around the house, he has to be moving and getting stuff done.

They moved most of the stuff off the deck the other day, and then they washed the deck.  They got this spray bottle.  It's rather large, with a pump up handle.  It did a dandy job.  I had to wait for the chemicals to be washed off the deck before I was allowed up on the deck.  But it's all done now.

Yesterday, the Big Guy went to the basement and he was working on cutting up these boards.  Took him almost two hours to cut up these boards.  But he has the tools to do a great job.  Which he did.

Then he went to the garage and he started building these two chairs for his sister-in-law.  She had given him these 4 frames from this couch of some sort.  He had to think about it for two days to figure out how to put this all together.  But in the end, he got it done.

The chairs got put together.  The chairs got delivered.  Everyone was happy.

Now, the Big Guy has got to make some chairs for his own back deck.  He isn't sure how many he is going to make.  I guess time will tell.  So far, I think he plans to make 2, but now, he has wood to make another 4.  I don't get involved with chair making.  That's not my specialty.

The job that I do best, is to turn dog food into poop.

Right now, the Big Guy is cooking this prime rib roast at 500 F.  It this thing that he does.  But the results speak for them selves.  Yesterday morning, he spent an hour cutting this frozen roast in half.  There was a a 4 rib roast.  Now it is 2 x 2 rib roasts.  

Having said that, of course I'm looking forward to getting my mouth on those two ribs.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog plays fetch... NOT!

Bye bye fur now

Thursday, 25 June 2020

25/Jul/20 there is going to be a Maritime Bubble

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So the weather is a bit wonky.  It's warm, it's cold, it's warm again.  We were supposed to get some rain, well that got cancelled.

Not sure what is going on with the weather any longer.

Last night, after the sun was off the back deck, Tonya and the Big Guy took most of the stuff on the back deck.  Then they had this new spray bottle and some deck cleaner.  He went to town with this new stuff.

Turns out the deck is rather nice to look at.

Although there certainly is some boards that needs to be replaced.  But that might be a job for next year.

Today, the Big Guy is going to be making 4 new deck chairs.  2 for his sister-in-law and 2 more for Tonya for the back deck.  He believes that she may want two more done after that.  I guess we will see.

But so far, the Big Guy has to go to the basement and cut up these boards.

He says that he wants to get outside before it gets too hot to work outsdie.

Then again, there is folks that work in construction, they get no rest due to the heat.  Same with contractors.  They have to work all the time.

Myself, I just hope that Tonya can get my little pool set up on the back deck.  Yup, my demans are small in the grand scheme of things.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog doing the tail flick

Bye bye fur now

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

24/Jun/20 the Covid-19 jail will continue for a while longer

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

On the news last night, they were interviewing two people.  The topic; should we have a Maritime Bubble?

Obviously one was for it, the other against.

I'm not so sure I'm for it at the moment.  There was a Dr from New Brunswick that went to Quebec.  He brought the virus back to the hospital in New Brunswick as he didn't report that he went to Quebec and when he came back, he didn't isolate himself.

I had seen, on some obscure website site, there is quite the line up of cars that were trying to cross the Quebec/New Brunswick border.  I am hoping they were all told to go home again.

If we knew for sure that the New Brunswick border would remain closed, I would be fine with a Maritime Bubble.  

But, since we can't stop people who have some weird thoughts about how you can stop them because they have rights.  Well, lets just keep that border closed for now and wait till there is a vaccine.

Oh and talking of vaccine.  There is sure to be people that will refuse to get the vaccine once it is ready for everyone to get.  Those people should be rounded up and forced to go live on a island.  Not like we don't have a few islands in the Far North that could use some population.

I guess you have determined, I'm pro-vaccine.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and the Bluenose II August 2016

Bye bye fur now

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

23/Jun/20 can you see me in this picture

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Well in this picture, my pool is still "up right".  A few moments later, the Big Guy dumped it out.

Tonya said that the water had to be changed.  Which is true, if you leave the water more than a few days, it does get scummy across the bottom of the pool.

You can also see there is a wooden chair in the picture that has to be repaired.  Two of the front boards needs to be replaced.  Then the Big Guy is also going to replace the arm rests.  After that, he plans to paint the chair.  White of course, in case your wondering.

He has enough wood to fabricate two more chairs.  Tonya was asking him if he was going to make them today.  Now, it's supposed to get quite warm today.  So he will be waiting for the sun to come round, so that he will be working in the shade.

Now, on Sunday, the temperature was only +11 in Cape Breton.  Today, they are forecasting for +29.  This weather is certainly weird.  There is no happy in between.

Tonya entered this contest and she won some lobsters and beer.  This is twice that she won the same contest.  It is someone on Facebook that is raising money.

So, today, with that forecasted heat, I'm going to find a fan and I'm goign to go hide under it.

I would really like it to be Winter again.

I wonder why the Big Guy just gave me some sort of cross look on his face?

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog gives a BIG paw

Bye bye fur now

Monday, 22 June 2020

22/Jun/20 this is not the killer rabbit from Monty Python's Holy Grail movie

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday, Tonya did something, on her own, that has made the Big Guy burst with pride.

Through the bye and bye, Tonya wanted to have pizza for last night's supper.  She cut up the veggies.  She cut up the pepperoni.  She shredded the cheese.

Ahhh... what's this?  

No pizza sauce in the house.

She could have gone to the store to get more pizza sauce.  But wait.  It's Sunday and the big grocery stores are all closed.  (Insert dramatic music here)

Damn...  what to do, what to do...

She thought, she could go to the corner store and buy local, but geesh, they will likely have the pizza sauce, but definitely at an inflated price.

Plus the fact that she had a few glasses of wine.

Now she knew the Big Guy's secret.  Why does he love to cook and bake so much?  Cause he drinks at the same time he's cooking and baking.  She knew there was some secret to all of this.

Then it came to her...  What would the Big Guy do?  Well, he would trot right over to the computer and look up Home Made Pizza Sauce.

She got the basic pizza sauce, but then decided to modify it a bit.

The pizza sauce was GREAT!

One catch.

She will never be able to replicate the recipe as she can't quite remember a pinch extra of this and added a wee bit of that.

Oh well, the wine was pretty good too!

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog got snow on his fur

Bye bye fur now

Sunday, 21 June 2020

21/Jun/20 myself and bunny are napping after playing

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

If you were to judge my lift by the pictures that the Big Guy takes, you would think that I nap a lot and often.  Well, it is sort of true.  But what else do I got to do?

Well, today is the day that we have the longest day light hours in the Northern Hemisphere of planet Earth.

Or you could also say, it's the first day of Summer.

Normally a bunch of people would go visit Stonehenge in England and watch the sun rise.  Not this year, they wanted everyone to stay home and they would live stream the sun rise.

Well the sun has been up for several hours now in England.  So the Big Guy missed the big event.  But I bet it was rebroadcast.

Normally after I done getting this blog together, I go lay in the living room with the Big Guy as he surfs YouTube, or Netflix, or Disney+.  Then he will nap.  Yup, he puts on the TV just to fall asleep.

When the Big Guy got up this morning, he didn't notice that Tonya wasn't in bed.  Actually, she was downstairs with me, making the Big Guy a biggie breakfast for father's day.

He didn't share.  There was bacon on his plate.  Oh how I love how bacon smells.  I love how bacon tastes.

My belly doesn't like what happens after I eat bacon.

Then it's trotty trott time.

Sigh...  bacon...  your a monster.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is sleeping

Bye bye fur now

Saturday, 20 June 2020

20/Jun/20 it would seem that I am going to be getting new dog food

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Back in January, the Dog Food that I used to get, well they changed something and now, I don't get that stuff any longer.

Back then, they decided that I would get this new stuff.

Well it's always smelled a bit "off".  It's about the only word that I can think of.

Yesterday, Tonya decided that I would get another new dog food.  I'm not sure what she plans to do with the 1/2 of tub of dog food that I have of the other stuff.  But so far, she has been mixing it, 1/2 and 1/2.

I can see it being poured out for the nightly animals that come around.  The Big Guy knows exactly where he would like her to put it.  In the hole where the old tree stump used to be.  That way, if the animals don't like it, then the food will act like some sort of land fill.

I can see that the Big Guy is planning on making some hash browns for breakfast this morning.  Yup, you guessed it, more onions in it.  That means, I get zero amount of it from Tonya.

The Big Guy got some track pants from Giant Tiger about 2 weeks ago.  Well, this morning, when he got up, he cut the bottoms off.  Now, they are knee length shorts.  He seems to favour them this way.

I'm actually surprised he hasn't rubbed onion all over them.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog destroys dollar store toy

Bye bye fur now