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Friday, 1 May 2020

1/May/20 OK snow, I'm turning my back to you

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

If my non-furry pepere was still alive, he would say this quite often today:


Later today, Tonya will be "going" to work.  Now, the Big Guy, he doesn't "go" to work until Monday.  That will be the start of his new job.

Yesterday, the two of us went for a drive to Sydney to see where it is he will be working.  It has a huge parking lot for him to be able to park his car.

But of course, he is hoping that he will be able to work from home if at all possible.

The Big Guy has something planned for their supper tonight.  He isn't telling anything to Tonya about what they are going to have.  He said that he wants it to be a surprise.  So, I would say, she is gong to be surprised, as he isn't even telling me.

Yesterday, it was rather nice outside.  So much so, that the Big Guy was able to wax his car.  Now, Tonya says that the inside of the car needs to be cleaned.  Which of course, the Big Guy is looking at as a job for another day.  But he will get to it.


Like a lot of other things that he does.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is helping remove the roots in the grass

Bye bye fur now

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