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Tuesday, 5 May 2020

5/May/20 it's cinqo de mayo for some folks

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

If we lived in Mexico, today, we would be celebrating cinqo de mayo.  This was the day that the people of Mexico defeated the French.  So it's their liberation day.  I guess it's a pretty big thing there and why wouldn't it be?

Yesterday, the Big Guy left the house for his new work.  He was doing all the administrative stuff that you do on day 1.  He said that the new job looks very interesting.  It is in sales.  So he has done sales in various places.  This shouldn't be too hard for him.

He can remember how he used to dislike the sales team at this one company he worked for.  He found that they were telling fibs to the customers, just so that they could make the sale.  Then when the customer would call in, they would get people like the Big Guy and they would have to unravel all the lies that the sales people would have told.

The sales team were treated so differently too.  One year, they even had a different Christmas Party to go to than the rest of the people.  They had a nice sit down meal, while the other (people like the Big Guy) had cold cuts from Sobey's.  I guess even the Sales Team folks felt bad for being treated like that.  It made them feel like they were NOT part of the overall team.

But this also means that the Big Guy will be working from that building, and not at home.  He is pretty sure this will be OK for the time being.  But like everything else, next Winter, if we get a really bad Winter, it may prove to be difficult to get to work.  But, so far, that is still a long time away to worry about.  Other people do it, so why not him?  After all, he isn't THAT special.

Well, the Big Guy is sniffing around the fridge.  I guess he would like to have some breakfast.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog by himself at the dog park

Bye bye fur now

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