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Saturday, 16 May 2020

16/May/20 your disturbing my nap again

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Big Guy was watching the news and I guess they are considering opening the provincial borders between Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick.  The folks in PEI really need the tourist dollars to survive.  Plus since the Confederation bridge links those two provinces, and neither province has been reporting any new cases of the virus, they are pretty excited to get this going.

Nova Scotia...  were staying closed for now.  It would seem that the places where the virus is killing people, is in the old folks home in Halifax.  It's ALWAYS in the news, that one, two or three people have passed on.

The Big Guy, well, he's still in good spirits.  He sits on the front deck, or the back deck and he's pretty happy. Tonya does all the shopping for the house.  She needs to get out, otherwise, she gets this weird sickness called "shack wacky".  The Big Guy doesn't seem to suffer from this at all.

Although he's been looking at the trees in the back yard, between his yard and Jim's.  He knows that those trees have got to be trimmed.  They are obviously not trimming themselves.  He doesn't expect Jim to do that as they are the Big Guy's trees to trim.  Yesterday, the Big Guy was out for about 1/2 an hour, cutting and trimming the branches off the tree that their two clothes lines are attached to.

Also, the Big Guy believes that today may be the day that he finally flips the Snow Blower to a Lawn Mower.  (insert fan fare music here, along with a crowd cheering)

The Big Guy was also talking about making waffles for breakfast.  I hope he does.  If he does, I know that I can bum some off of Tonya.  I just sit and stare at her while she has breakfast.  I stare and stare and stare.  She will yell, I will look away for all of 2 seconds and them...  I stare and stare and stare as she is eating.

This normally is enough for her to give in and give me her breakfast.

It's a gift.  I try not to use it on the Big Guy as it's a total waste of time.  He just stares back at me while he is eating.  Gives me the friggin willies.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog shaking the water off

Bye bye fur now

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