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Thursday, 30 April 2020

30/Apr/20 what have you got there

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So, as some of you are aware, the Big Guy also has a Food Blog.  Yup, lots and lots of yummy stuff he there.  Over the years, he has posted about 300 recipes.

Now, my blog, not counting today's entry, has 1427 entries.  But his food blog has about 3 times the traffic on it.  But that's because people need to eat.  Myself, this blog, well it's for entertainment.

Anyways...  the latest food blog entry was for Sponge Toffee.  See this entry:

Well, yesterday, he took about 1/3 of the sponge toffee and he took a bag of Nestle Chocolate Chips, along with some bakers chocolate he had in the cupboard.  2 squares.  He also added about 1/3 cup of butter.  He melted up the butter and added the chocolate.  He took the sponge toffee and smashed up all the pieces.  Then added them to the melted chocolate.  Then he poured all of this into the silicone pan that he has.

Then, into the fridge to cool and set.

Last night, he takes it out of the silicone pan and puts it on his cutting board.  He gets this really long knife and cuts it into bars.  Well, that didn't work so well, but he tried.  He gathered up all the mess he had made and put it into some Tupperware and back into the fridge it went.

Tonya grabbed a piece and was astounded how good it was.  She grabbed a few more and took off for the living room.  I followed her.  But she didn't give me any of it.

She went back and got a few more pieces.  But again, she wasn't sharing.  She was exclaiming on how good it was.  Tonya was saying, over and over, it was amazing.  

Damn it, she wasn't sharing.  Like WTF?  You just can't say how good it is and not share with me!

But chocolate is no good for me.  So, no matter how much I tried, she wasn't giving in.

When the Big Guy had said, he made a poor mans Crunchie Bar, Tonya said: THAT'S IT!  That is what it tastes like.  She said that he would be allowed to make more of this.  A LOT MORE!

Hmmm...  what good is this recipe if I can't have any?

I hope it give Tonya the Big Guy the trots.  

Just like how pork goes though me.  

Fuckers, making something that I can't have.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog in the Wing Chair

Bye bye fur now

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they can give you a dog treat when they have a treat ???
