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Wednesday, 20 May 2020

20/May/20 what do you mean when you say it's cold outside

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So my humans are wimps.  Yesterday it was +6 outside and they were bitchin that it was cold out.

Blah blah blah de blah blah day...  Pfft, it wasn't cold out.

I guess the Big Guy forgets that +6 was about as warm as it got in CFS Alert.  It just depends on where your from when you say it's cold outside.

As I'm looking outside, there isn't a cloud in the sky.  Now, for the humans, this is what they call... deceiving.  It's gives them the impression, it's really warm out.  Like in the +20's or warmer.  But in reality, right now, it's only -2 outside.

Just like at night.  They step outside for a few minutes and they can hear the peeper frogs.  The frogs are "getting busy" making more little frog babies.

Oh, you don't know what "peeper frogs" are?  Here, have a listen...

Wonderful, eh?

Pretty soon, there will be the June Bugs.  It would seem that the ladies with the longer hair HATE June Bugs.  Those bugs are pretty dumb, but they do get caught up in the longer hair and the ladies turn into this screaming ninja like person.

June Bugs don't bother the Big Guy too much.  It's the mosquitoes that bug him.  He hates them a lot.

The City of Winnipeg dislikes mosquitoes so much, they spray for them.  Kills those mosquitoes for days at a time.  Considering Winnipeg is the Mosquito capital of Canada.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog running around our back deck

Bye bye fur now

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