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Tuesday, 26 May 2020

26/May/20 is that a fox I hear in my back yard

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

You know, for someone that was supposed to be off work yesterday, namely Tonya, she certainly didn't act like it.

She was shopping for this and shopping for that.  Going here and going there.  She only stopped around supper time.

What good is having a day off if your just going to run around like that?

The Big Guy is bitching about his gout.  So far, it's just "gout light".  Not the full blown gout where you can't even walk.

Later this morning, the Big Guy is going to have a virtual Doctor's appointment.  This is new.  Now you call to make an appointment.  The Doctor calls you a few days later.  Your prescriptions are sent in to the pharmacy.  Easy peasy.

I wonder if that's going to be the way of the future?  But you would think, for some of the more advanced patients, they would have like a facebook video chat so that the Doctor can actually "see" his patient.  

I'm pretty sure that the Doctor would like to get the Big Guy's blood pressure.  They always seem to like doing that.

I've seen that little machine that Tonya has at home.  You put the cuff around your arm and press the start button.  The cuff inflates.  I've seen Tonya give out little yells of pain.  It really puffs up that cuff.  Then, it deflates and gives the blood pressure and the heart rhythm.

I'm pretty sure I would chew on it when it would inflate.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog trying to get to his toy

Bye bye fur now

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