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Thursday 7 May 2020

7/May/20 apparently I'm MORE handsome now

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

As most of you were reading yesterday, I went to the groomer.

Before we left, the Big Guy got me out in the kitchen and was wrapping something up in cheese.

I sniffed the cheese.  I was very leery as to what he put in the cheese.  So, I took the cheese and moved it around my mouth.  There is some crunchy parts.


I spit out the cheese and the pill that he was trying to hide in it.

So, he got out the peanut butter jar.  Oh it's my kryptonite.  He put the pill inside the peanut butter and then opened my mouth.  He took the peanut butter and rubbed it into the roof of my mouth.  I "accidentally" swallowed the pill.

But he wasn't done, he had another 2/3 of a pill to give me.  Again, more peanut butter and again, forces my mouth open, rubs the peanut butter against the roof of my mouth and if I didn't swallow that pill as well.

About 20 minutes later, I was feeling pretty mellow.  I was so relaxed.  I wanted to go to sleep.  They got a delivery and the dude rang the door bell.  I didn't even bark.  I didn't even care that someone was at the door.  I just wanted to sleep.

Then, about an hour later, the Big Guy fooled me, he asked if I wanted to go for a "drive".  Well I know that word.  It means that we get in the car and sometimes, the windows go down for me to be able to stick my head outside and I can sniff the new air.

Since the Big Guy has washed and waxed his car, the windows seem to stay up now.

But we drove for some distance and we ended up in this new building that I've never been to.

It was the groomer.  I've seen her before.  Her name is Anne Marie.  She is rather nice.

But the brushes and stuff.  Clippers, scissors and more brushes.  I had to get a bath.  The assistant groomer, he actually picked me up, by himself and put me in the tub.  I'm sure glad they had shampoo that didn't hurt my eyes.

Then out of the tub.  Again, I'm so messed up with those drugs, that I'm can't even be bothered to shake off the excess water.  I'm just mellow.  But inside my own head, I'm not enjoying the whole grooming bit.

This isn't the same as the Four Paw Pet Spa, where the Big Guy takes me.  I'm done there in 10 minutes flat.  This lasted for over 2 hours.

Eventually were all done and and we get to leave.  It's another drive to get home.  Once I'm home, I went and found a place to just lay down.

Even this morning, I'm still messed up in the head from those drugs that made me mellow.  I'm still pretty mellow.

The living room couch looks pretty comfy.

I think I'm going to hang out there for the rest of the day today.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog at the spa

Bye bye fur now

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