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Monday, 18 May 2020

18/May/20 when can we go back to the dog park

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Normally I go to the dog park, at least once a month.

But now...  nothing.  No dog park at all.  This is what you call...  BORING!

Yesterday the Big Guy was in the back yard with the green bin and his branch cutters.  He gathered up the branches that he had cut up and he put them into the green bin.  Once that was done, he had to cut the branches again as the lid wouldn't close on the green bin.

Some of the branches were so tall, he had to cut the branches as much as 4 times.

Afterwards, he took the time to mount the lawn mower deck to his lawn tractor.

He really needs to get an oil change on his lawn tractor.  That machine was expensive and it needs to be taken care of.  I think there is a company in Sydney that does "house calls" for these machines.  I wouldn't think it would take them long to change the oil and change the spark plugs and change the air filter.

That is...  unless he could drive it to Canadian Tire and get it done there.  He could drive it down the back roads to get to Canadian Tire.  It would be kinda weird to see him do that.  Oh well...  what can you do...

He was then going to mow the little twigs and what not that was left over from the stuff that fell out of the green bin.  But he noticed that he was creating a lot of dust.  Tonya and the next door neighbor had laundry on the line.  So he thought twice about that.

He really didn't want to make Tonya upset about making her clean laundry on the line, dirty.  She may have got HIM to do the laundry instead.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog playing out front with Tonya

Bye bye fur now

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