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Saturday, 1 June 2019

1/Jun/19 this is a chair that my non-furry pepere built

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

This morning, as I was looking outside, I seen two crows perched on the power line.

I have to wonder, what does a crow do all day long?  If you click on the picture, you will see a big screen and you can see that there is two crows there.

But the crows don't want to live inside with humans.  Are they afraid that the humans would eat them?

You would think, like dogs did, it was beneficial for them to let the humans be the master and then the humans gives them food and shelter.  

My job is to raise the alarm when ever something moves outside.

Mostly other dogs.

They may want to take my place in my forever home.

So I raise holy hell when ever something like that happens.

Normally this gets me yelled at.

The Big Guy is enjoying his coffee this morning.  Yesterday he had to go to the hospital and get some blood work done.  Which is fine, he's done that in the past.  But it also meant, no food or drink before he went to the lab.

When Tonya got up, she seen that there was no coffee done.

She has made coffee before.  But not in this coffee maker.  The basket has to sit, just so.  Otherwise, when the coffee is being made, it spills everywhere.  

And that is just what happened.  What.  A.  Mess.

Boy oh boy, was she ever mad.

She used the keurig to make the coffee.  Which the Big Guy found a bit strange.  But he didn't realize what had happened.

Next time, perhaps he can get the coffee ready for her before he leaves the house.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog Tonya takes over the pool

Bye bye fur now

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