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Monday, 24 June 2019

24/Jun/19 let me in or I will huff and puff your door down

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy was telling me about the weather that is upcoming this week.  I must admit, if I were a human, I'd be pretty upset.  The temp is not due to go above +18 C this week.

They keep saying that Global Warming is happening.  Well, it's rather hard to believe when you got temperatures like this.

Yet it isn't so hard to believe in Global Warming, when you look at other places around North America.  That is when you see the "big picture".  There is more intense storms and the like.

As the Big Guy looks out his window, he knows that he will NOT have to cut the grass this week.  Although we have been getting rain, it hasn't been sunny along with the rain, to encourage the grass to grow.

The trees are finally displaying their leaves.  There are some trees that are slower to get their leaves.  But they have finally caught up to the other trees.

A few weeks ago, the Big Guy brought his branch cutters to work and hacked away at the trees that are at work, near where he parks his car.  He pushed the trees over to one side.  Now, had he been at home, he would have cut them up and put them in the green bin.

But one day, they were gone.  

He doesn't know who moved them or who took them.  He's just glad they are gone.

The Big Guy was noticing the next door neighbors house.  They got a wasp nest that is being built on their house.  But it is being built on their third floor of their house.  Way up in the attic part of the house.

Normally this indicates that we will be having a hard Winter that is coming up.

Lets just hope that this group of wasps are really dumb and didn't know know about Global Warming.  So far, the last few years, there really hasn't been a lot of snow in our area.  

So we will wait and see.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog outside in the snow

Bye bye fur now

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