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Tuesday, 25 June 2019

25/Jun/19 I will stay here so that you can't leave

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I was sort of surprised when the Big Guy came down stairs today.  It was really early.  He said that he couldn't sleep.

So he turned the TV on and promptly fell asleep in front of the TV.

Now he is hobbling around a bit.  I guess his knee is a bit sore from just sitting on the couch at an odd angle.

You can bet, he is going to go back to the TV once again and probably fall asleep again.

Why doesn't he just find a nice place on the floor, like I do?

So far, it doesn't look like the Big Guy will be mowing the grass this week.  Yes, we got the rain, but you also need sun shine for the grass to grow.

With the weather being like it is, there really isn't much going on.

Just a lot of watching TV.

TV doesn't interest me that much.  Unless there are animals on TV.  That doesn't happen that often.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog barks at other dogs

Bye bye fur now

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