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Saturday, 15 June 2019

15/Jun/19 I can see the BBQ from here, you could make hot dogs for us

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Tonya and the Big Guy were enjoying their pulled pork yesterday.  Obviously I can't have that, or I will get the runs.

I have to wonder why pork does that to me.

I can have beef, and I have chicken.  I can even have seafood.  But pork, nope.  It just turns my guts around and I get the runs.  

I have to wonder if there are other doggies out there that goes though this.

We have been getting a bit of rain for the last couple days.  

Rain is boring.

Rain means not a lot of outside time.

Isn't this typical.  When you want to check out the weather, the computer goes really slow and doesn't load the website.

It would seem that Summer has finally arrived in Cape Breton.  It's not overly hot just yet.  I'm sure those days are coming.

With my little pool set up on the back deck, I can cool my paws off at any time.  Tonya keeps wanting me to go in the pool, but not just yet.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having a bath at the spa

Bye bye fur now

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