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Wednesday, 19 June 2019

19/Jun/19 I can hear you sneaking up on me

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I just realized.  This is post number 1111.  That certainly is a lot of posts.  Every day, you my constant readers have been following me and my words.  Thank you!

So it's back to that time of year, where the humans love the heat, but I suffer though it.  They should wear a fur coat all the time, then they wouldn't be so cold all the time.  Oh and a black fur coat at that.

Did I tell you about the hot dog maker?

The other day, when Tonya was at work, she was SURE she could smell someone was having a hot dog.  So now that she got a craving, she wants to have BBQed hot dogs for when she gets home.

The Big Guy was always game to have hot dogs.

When they get home, the Big Guy goes out and fires up the BBQ.

As they are cooking their hot dogs, the flames goes out on the BBQ.  


Out of propane.

But the Big Guy is always prepared for this kind of stuff.

He gets the spare tank, hooks it up and they got flames again.

As Tonya and the Big Guy were having their hot dogs with those little breads that they use, I'm at my food dish having cut up hot dogs.  Of course the smell and the sauce got on my kibbles.  So I ate them up too.  

nom nom nom

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max out Bernese Mountain Dog eating his STEAK

Bye bye fur now

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