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Thursday 6 June 2019

6/Jun/19 I do tend to look up to most humans

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy made this goulash, or as he calls it, Mum's Macaroni.  I can't have any of that due to the onions that are in it.

Then he made some sausages.  Now, he always tends to boil his sausages first.  Then to brown them, he will fry them.  Well yesterday, he didn't want to dirty a pan, so he put them on the BBQ.

Well as the sausage casing would break, it would allow all the grease to fly out.  Well the FLAMES!

At one point, when he opened the lid to the BBQ, one of the sausages was squirting the grease out of the casing and all over the deck.

The Big Guy was surprised at home much grease got burnt off the sausages.

But then when he was eating them, they were a big dry.  But that's due to them not having any grease or fat left in the sausage.

Today, the Big Guy plans on making a donair pizza.  Normally, when they make pizza, they make enough so that they will have a few days worth of food.  This means, they already know what they are taking to work each day.  Just open the fridge, put the item in their lunch pail and out the door they go.

But Donair Pizza is another item that I can't have.  Why...  the frickin onions that are on the pizza.  Now I can have the crust.  But guess who always eats their crust.  Yup, the Big Guy.  So I have to beg and drool all over Tonya for her to give me her pizza crust.

It's amazing how much stuff she gives me that the Big Guy is giving her "the stink eye".

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog destroys the paper bag

Bye bye fur now

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