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Saturday, 8 June 2019

8/Jun/19 you don't have enough of my hair on your blanket

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

As the Big Guy was getting up this morning, he looked outside and he could see the red sky.  No clouds on the horizon at all.

He made his coffee and went and sat down to write his daily email to his Mum.

As he looked outside the window, which faces the other horizon, there was nothing by dark clouds rolling in.  He looked on the weather network and they are not forecasting for rain today, but those clouds don't look too promising.

The Big Guy also was looking at the LONG term forecast.  He wanted to know, are we going to have Summer arrive any time soon in Cape Breton.  

Now, obviously there are other parts of North America that have getting a lot of heat.  Summer storms and even tornadoes.  They are all complaining about the heat.

That is not the case here.  

I think the Big Guy's biggest bitch is that his summer jacket, the zipper broke.  Now he has ordered a new one.  He didn't know it at the time, but it's being sent from China.  So obviously isn't isn't being overnight-ed with regards to the shipping.

Now, my non-furry Memere has volunteered to put in a new zipper for the Big Guy's jacket.  She was working on the Winter jacket that the zipper broke on that one too.  The Big Guy took his jackets to work and put them on the back of his chair.  Well, he would roll back and crush the zippers on the jackets.  DUMB.

Now he has a hoodie.  But that has to go over his body.  Did you see the Big Guy?  This means when he has to get his head up and into the hoodie, for a few seconds he is trapped.  He doesn't like this at all.

I'm telling you...  first world problems...  they are real...

Your Blast From the Past

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Bye bye fur now

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