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Wednesday, 12 June 2019

12/Jun/19 Mister Rabbit is just out of reach

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday it was nice and sunny.  The Big Guy was outside mowing the lawn.  Then, afterwards, Floyd came by and they were able to move all the wood that has been gathered in the corner of the yard, by the garage, and it's all moved to the other part of the property where all the wood is that gets burnt in bone fires.

Honestly, if anyone really needed the wood, I know that Tonya and the Big Guy would just let them take it.  There is about a cord of wood.  You would only need to ask, and you could have it.

Or, if you just wanted some wood for your own place for your own bone fire, just drop by and you can take some.  It's better than going to the garage and buying a bag of wood.

Then, there is also the 3 x 3 x 3 cubic foot box of kindling that is in the garage.

The Big Guy got to use the new saw that my non-furry memere bought him for his birthday this year.  It's called a reciprocating saw.

Then, after the yard work was done, both himself and Tonya spent the afternoon on the back deck.

The Big Guy also went and got the sun screen.  It's been so cold up to now, they could never sit out.  Well, yesterday, it was nice out.  But normally, the first time they actually sit out, they get sun burnt.

Well not this year.  The Big Guy was able to sit in the sun and today, he is not sun burnt.  He is quite happy about that.

Right now, it's raining out, but I heard that by this afternoon, the rain will clear up and it will be nice again.  Then tomorrow, it's supposed to be even NICER.  If that's possible.  The Big Guy is hankering for a burnt end roast.  But it takes about 3 hours too cook on the BBQ.

Oh well, I'm sure he will suffer through it.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is home again

Bye bye fur now

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