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Friday, 21 June 2019

21/Jun/19 1st day of summer and I'm camped under the fan

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So a few weeks ago, the Big Guy was bitchin as the weather wasn't warm enough.

Well now it's warm out.

Not hot just yet, but I'm sure that is coming.

The Big Guy was on Facebook and he seen that a friend of his has posted a temperature warning.  It was going to be 110 F where they live.

That would be way too uncomfortable for me and my fur coat.

It's raining today.  Now, the Big Guy doesn't mind one bit.  The rain is good for the grass, which he cut yesterday.

He also trimmed the front hedge.

He loves his new wagon.  He puts stuff in it and drives to the location that he is going to use it.  But he isn't so good at backing up with the trailer.   Oh well...  what can you do...

I just seen the garbage man run by.  The only things that is left now is the blue bags.  A different truck will be by to get those.

Yesterday the Big Guy went to this place that I've never been to.  It's called a Dentist.  They clean his teeth for him.

I wonder if he would like some of my dental bones.  Then he wouldn't need to see that Dentist any longer.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezie

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his balloon

Bye bye fur now

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