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Friday, 31 May 2019

31/May/19 well now I'm full of grass clippings

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the weather just didn't want to co-operate.  It was windy on the back deck and therefore cold to my humans.

Tonya went to the front deck and checked out what the weather was like there.  Well, it was a lot warmer.  So much so that the Big Guy got a bit of sun on his arms.  Not a sun burn or anything like that, but he did get some color on his arms.

He really likes the warm weather.

Not the bugs that goes along with the warmer weather though.

I heard from my non-furry memere.  She made it home, safe and sound.  She dropped off Caitlan, so everything is back to normal once again.

Before they went to sit outside, the Big Guy had done up some Chinese Food.  He did some Chicken Chow Mein, some Sweet and Sour Pork and then some Beef and Broccoli.  Of course, each one has their own taste.  The Beef and Broccoli was a wee bit more spicy than he would normally make.

But did I get to sample any of it?

Of course not.

There was stuff in each dish that I'm not allowed to have.

What about the days when they made me steaks.

Or fed me hot dogs off the grill?


Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and Martini

Bye bye fur now

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