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Friday, 28 June 2019

28/Jun/19 what's the magic word to get me to move

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy has this little portable battery operated radio that he will carry around with him.  He just loves that little radio.  He even bought an extra set of rechargeable batteries for it.  Because it has an electronic tuner, the station doesn't drift like some radios.  This radio even tunes into the weather network that is being broadcast by Environment Canada.  It will flip over, automatically, if there is a weather warning.

But the other day, when he was putting in the battery, this part fell out.  So he sat at the kitchen table, with a special screw driver and took the radio apart.

He was able to put the part back in place and he was so happy with himself for that.

Normally, we live in a society, where you don't take things apart to fix them.  It breaks, you throw it away.  It's cheaper to get stuff new than it is to get it repaired.

Yesterday, the Hot Dog maker, well, you sometimes will call it a BBQ, it didn't make Hot Dogs.  Oh no...  This time, it made...


I was astounded.

This brings the Hot Dog maker to a whole new level.

The Big Guy and Tonya didn't seem to get excited about this either.  Like really?  This brings the Hot Dog maker to a whole new level.

Tonya cut up my hamburger.  Then she brought it outside.  Of course, I take my hamburger plain.  Not condiments for me.  No bread either.  Just the hamburger patty.

This makes the Big Guy roll his eyes.  

Look dude, Tonya is going to feed me the burger, so you may as well just except that it's going to happen.

That's why I like her more.  She is my "special" human.  The Big Guy is OK and what not, but she is the one I love more.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having a bath at the spa

Bye bye fur now

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