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Monday, 3 June 2019

3/Jun/19 the top to the lighthouse is missing

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Tonya bought these two light houses last year from a guy that was selling them on the side of the road.  One of them fell off the deck railing last year and has never been repaired.

It's just not on the priority list to be fixed.  Since it isn't really a light house, but a decoration, no one is worried about it.

The Big Guy was looking at the weather and it would seem that we are in for more rain this week.

Normally on their days off, Tonya likes to hang the laundry outside on the clothes line.  I guess she is going to have to dry everything in the dryer this time.

The Big Guy finds that when stuff gets hung out on the line, it gets stiff.

Now, if it's windy, it beats the stiff out of the clothes.


If it's windy and the clothes are not pinned to the clothes line that well...  Tonya finds her clothes on the ground and in the grass.

That means she has to wash them again (sometimes).

So the Big Guy's motto on this.

Just put them in the dryer and be done with it.  You never get stiff clothes out of the dryer.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is sleeping

Bye bye fur now

1 comment:

  1. Tell Tonya she needs to put fabric softener when she has to put the clothes outside in the rinse cycle , this way the clothes dry and are nice and soft like when it's in a dryer .
