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Wednesday, 9 January 2019

9/Jan/19 I hope you don't plan to sit here

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So the Big Guy was looking at the weather.  Like he will do about a hundred times before any big storm.  Now he's upset.  They are forecasting for the rain to start about 6 tonight.  Now he's off at 7:30.  So there will be a lot of rain that's going to fall before he is able to get home and deal with the snow.

Now, on a positive note.  Tonya was able to get to the gas station and fill up his jerry can.  So he has plenty of gas to snow blow the yard.

That's not the part that getting him upset.

It's the fact that the rain will get to soak into the snow BEFORE he gets to use his snow blower.  If it would just have stayed as snow.

Snow goes though the snow blower without too much effort.  But WET and HEAVY snow.  Well, not so much.

When that happens, he has to go really slow.  He also has to carry this little shovel, as the snowblower gets plugged up, a lot.  Then, once the snow blower is plugged up, the belts will slip on the pullies and that is another bad thing.  If he breaks a belt.  That means he has to take everything apart to get it fixed.

Oh that would just ENRAGE him.

Then he would be in such a foul mood.

So I'm hoping that the rain could hold off for about an hour or more.  More would be better.  

OR...  lets have the entire snow storm just be rain.  I'm sure that would please him a lot.

I've never seen a guy hate snow as much as him.

These first world problems.  They are so real for the Big Guy.

Oh and that rat the Big Guy thought he seen on the garage camera...  turns out to be just ice that was reflecting off the light that the next door neighbor had turned on.  When the turned the light off, the "rat" was suddenly gone.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog running around our back deck

Bye bye fur now

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