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Wednesday, 23 January 2019

23/Jan/19 I will NOT stand still for my picture

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

This morning, the Big Guy must have taken about 10 photos of me.  Each time, I would move, or I would be too close to the camera.  Or I would look away.

He was determined to take my picture.  He finally got me laying down and took that photo for today's picture.

He should just go back to his regular camera, instead of the cell phone.  But, the cell phone does take great pictures during the day.

So, yesterday, my non-furry sister, Linda, tried taking pictures of the moon.

This morning, not to be outdone, so did the Big Guy.  He grabbed Tonya's cell phone, as it's better than his and took some pictures of the moon.

They are less than stunning.

Two of them had the flash turned on.  The first one, the flash was set to be "on".  So he turned that off.  Then it was set to "automatic".  It was dark out, so it flashed.

He was able to turn the flash "off".

So he got these shots.

Nope, the zoom isn't set.  But you can see the moon.

Shit, a cloud.

Oh, crap, another cloud.


But not great.  The clouds are making for louse pictures.  Also, taking pictures of the moon though an old living room window, well, it's not all that good.

A professional photographer, would have done MUCH better.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his Pita Bread

Bye bye fur now

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