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Friday, 25 January 2019

25/Jan/19 I will just lay next to the window, there's a cold draft

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I've said it before and I will say it again, I don't feel the cold like humans do.  So when the humans get home and they turn the heat up in the house, I've got to try and find a place that is cooler for me.

In the summer, I don't do very well.  But thankfully, Tonya doesn't get me shaved down like she used to do to her previous dog.  He would have also had an undercoat that would have keep him protected from the summer heat.  He didn't mind the cold either.  

Yesterday, I posted a picture of it being all snowy out.  Well 24 hours certainly does make a difference.

Most of the snow is gone.

Yes, yes, the Big Guy is all smiles.

This was a picture taken of the Big Guy putting the garbage out this morning.  You can see how reflective his jacket is.  People keep thinking that he works somewhere that he doesn't.  He just loves the jacket.  He calls it is "dog walking jacket".  #1, he is seen.  He used to have a jet black jacket.  Well, people driving around, didn't see him in that jacket.  Now with the reflective jacket, he can be seen from quite some distance.  #2, it's a very warm jacket.  The wind can't blow though the outer layer of the jacket.  This would be a great jacket for Winnipeg.  

When you lived in Winnipeg, you had to do the "breath test" on a jacket before you would buy it.  You would put your hand up the sleeve and then put the sleeve up to your mouth.  Then you would blow.  If you could feel your breath as you were breathing out, then leave that jacket on the rack and move to the next jacket.  You needed to find a jacket that would put a barrier between your breath and your hand up the sleeve.

The Big Guy's reflective jacket would most certainly pass the breath test.  It is also rain proof.  He's worn this in the rain and it's like the best rain jacket he has ever owned.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog going for a walk

Bye bye fur now

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