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Thursday, 17 January 2019

17/Jan/19 thou shall not pass

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

There is only a small sliver of the sun that's coming up over the horizon.

The Big Guy would like there to be MORE sun.  Less snow.

I think he is going to get his wish granted on Monday.  They are forecasting for +9 with about 35 mm of rain.  That's just shy of 2 inches of rain.  With the ground being frozen, the rain is not going to have a lot of places to go.  So it's very likely to make a mess of everything.

Then, of course, because we still live in Canada.  It's going to freeze.  What a big mess that's going to make.

The Big Guy is off work today.  Not sure what he's going to be cooking.  But I bet it's going to have onions in it and that means, none of it can be shared with me.

What is his problem with onions?  It seems that everything he cooks, it either has onions or it has garlic.

Something that he hasn't made in a while now, is my home made dog biscuits.  He is slacking!

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog excited about going for a walk

Bye bye fur now

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