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Friday, 18 January 2019

18/Jan/19 look, I'm trying to be good, let me sleep

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Occasionally the Big Guy and Tonya will rearrange the furniture in the living room.  When they do, some times, it gives me better access to the window.  Now, I have to get up on the couch to see out the window.

If you think that I am not going to look out the window...  think again...  I'm big enough to make up my own mind and looking out the window is what I want to do.

So the Big Guy put the garbage out last night.  So that doesn't have to be done this morning.  Normally the garbage routine calls for the Big Guy bringing it to the curb.  Well I so want to help him.  I will run in front of him, hoping he will open the door for me to escape.

Like that is ever going to happen.

He will shoo me away from the door.  Then he will open it.  I think if I were to try to escape, he would grab my collar.  My escape would be short lived.

Tonya wants to move this space heater to the living room.  So far, it's still sitting in the computer room.  When they get home from work, normally it's only a few hours that they are up and then they go to bed.  Tonya feels that turning up the heat, is sort of a waste of oil.  Only to heat up the house and then go to bed, for the house to cool off again.

The Big Guy agrees with her.  But of course there is stuff stacked up on top of the space heater.

The Big Guy bought this parabolic heater.  It worked great.  Until it failed.  But at $60.00, the Big Guy doesn't want to invest in another.  At least not for now.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog trying out the big chair

Bye bye fur now

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